Marine Parade Food
Distribution Project (MPFD)
Part of Di Zang Lin’s mission is to make a difference in the lives of the needy and disadvantaged in our midst. MPFD serves warm meals to identified needy residents at the Marine Parade vicinity. Besides the warm meal, bread, cake and fruits are also given weekly. Ration consisting of dry sundries and groceries is also given to these family once every month.

These needy residents are referred to MPFD via the Public Assistance Scheme from the Ministry of Social and Family Development.

O u r   I m p a c t

Figures as of 31 December 2024

Charity Dollars Spent
Meals Served
Given away in Bursaries
To ensure all identified needy residents at Marine Terrace be served with warm meals every Saturday and a packet of groceries to sustain them once a month.
Di Zang Lin is working directly with WeCare@MarineParade under the advice of the Ministry of Social and Family Development and People’s Association. WeCare is a community enabling network to help vulnerable residents in Marine Parade through community action and partnerships. Besides WeCare, Di Zang Lin is working with our vendors WeeKee Catering, Best One Foods, WeiPoh Fruits and NTUC Supermarket for supplies.
Marine Terrace has an estimated 60 needy families, of which most are destitute, and has a wheel-chair bound family member. Some of these individuals have ailing family members residing with them. Some families have family members fighting terminal illnesses, while others have an autistic child or persons with psychotic conditions. Majority of our beneficiaries are seniors staying alone. Di Zang Lin would serve about 90 packed meals to all these needy residents each week.

P l a n n i n g   a n d   I m p l e m e n t a t i o n